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Courtesy Pay Plus Covers You

Courtesy Pay Plus Covers You

If you inadvertently overdraw your checking account, Garden Savings FCU’s courtesy pay program is here to help. Funds for overdrafts first will come from your overdraft protection, but if sufficient funds aren't available, we may elect to cover your overdrafts up to a certain amount.

We'll save you the embarrassment and inconvenience of a returned check as well as the fee merchants normally charge you by merchants for checks returned to them.

Should an overdraft occur, your account will be charged $32 for handling each item paid by the discretionary courtesy pay.

The courtesy pay plus fee will be a lot less than the fees you would have accumulated without this protection. For example, without the service you might pay a $32 returned check fee from the credit union, as well as another $25 returned check fee from the merchant—totaling $57.

With Courtesy Pay Plus, there’s no more worrying about failed checks and multiple returned check fees. Now you can enjoy a meal without interruption or buy items you might need and not worry about the payment failing. With our service, you can save money from avoiding being charged two return fees. Skip the embarrassment of making one small mistake, and use our courtesy pay plus program.